I'd tell them, you know, if they wanted to know. I'd tell them all sorts of things.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Split Ends

I feel like I have changed so much these last few months. In August, I knew something was about to happen; how the buildup of summer’s days had rotted away in my bones and it seemed like they were cracking with the desire to be filled with something new. And they have been, I think. They are still the same old bones—some things will never change—but they seem different, as if some balance in me has shifted just a bit.

I'm a little more bold than I used to be, on the outside. I talk more than I used to, more frequently and to more people. That might sound like a good thing, and the change is so slight that it is probably imperceptible to others, but I'm not sure I like it. I'm getting better at small talk and I've never liked small talk. Because when you talk, people assume that what you're talking about is what you have to say, and I have more to say than the stuff of polite banter but I'm still too reserved to say it all. If you're silent, at least people know that there's more in your mind than such-and-such, even if you don't tell them exactly what it is.

I’m too good at small talk now and sometimes I feel starved for a serious conversation.

Maybe I’ll grow my hair out. Measure it in inches against my heart; compare and contrast all the alterations that come with time. By the time my hair reaches my shoulders, I wonder where I’ll be. It’ll probably take more than a year. I wonder who I’ll know by then, and who I’ll just remember; what I'll have done, what I’ll be trying to do. I wonder how my heart will have been changed, by the time the tips of the strands first brush my collarbone.

Of course, I never have the patience to let my hair grow more than a few inches before I cut it all off again. Hopefully I’ll have better luck with my heart.

Because there’s a lot to be said for growing. Growing up. For shaping up, for taking responsibility and pride. There’s a lot to be said for prioritizing higher things, or at least wanting to. There’s something to be said for the end of play-time.

I’m not saying let go of your inner child; never do that, ever. But, as with all children, it isn’t good to let it have its way all the time. There’s something to be said for practicality; there’s something to be said for a little pretention. Even a healthy dose of cynicism, just to know how it feels.

There’s something to be said for respect, maybe even a little fear. Fear can be a great motivator. You run the fastest when you’re afraid.

Sometimes I wonder how it would feel, to be the scary one. To be the one in the shadows with the crazy eyes; to be feared instead of afraid. Because sometimes I have to be alone. To walk until I’m dizzy with the solitude, singing snatches of half-remembered songs, my voice all lonely fallen flat in the air. Sometimes I have to go walking in the dark by myself to let my restless thoughts propel me, and that’s hard to do when one is so weak as I am. When I am of the prey variety and there are so many predators out there to watch for.

So sometimes I try to imagine how it would be if it were the other way around. To walk swiftly and silently down the sidewalks and backstreets, safe to be able to be completely inwardly absorbed because I am the one with the sharp teeth and lethal speed; I am the one with the strength and fight.

Sometimes I’m brave against whatever—whoever—is out there, when I’m feeling restless or particularly cynical. Once I walked the city streets over two miles away from campus, all by myself. I was feeling brave that day. Or at least too preoccupied to be afraid.

Not today, though. Today is one of those days—one of those vaguely despondent days that, for no particular reason except maybe the color of the sky, make you want to go home and curl up in your mother’s lap. It’s an irrational day; a day when emotions just don’t fit the logic. I hate that. Everything should fit some sort of logic. So these kinds of days truly throw me off, mostly because of their pure irony.

These kinds of days when I feel like I’m looking for something, but I don’t remember what it is; or like there was something I wanted—really wanted—to do, but I forgot what it was so this unsatisfied craving just drifts, suspended in me and I look around....what do I do now?

I pick up a classic book, is sometimes what I do—or one that everyone tells me is classic. Some of them live up to my expectations and I love them—like Atlas Shrugged and Dorian Gray—but then there are some that make me puzzled as to why they are so famous, like Catcher in the Rye. I mean, it was good and all; it was very good. It was one of those kinds of stories that I like—the kind where it’s just somebody doing stuff and thinking things and there’s not much resolution at the end. But I don’t understand why almost every high-schooler of my dad’s generation was forced to read it, or why people murdered celebrities over it.

I don’t usually tell people that, though—when I don’t understand why a certain book makes such a big bang on society—because lots of smart people say those books are revolutionary and who am I to say any different? I assume I am just missing something. I keep reading anyway, though, cause I do love to read books by famous dead men. It’s almost more fun than reading people.

I used to people-watch all the time, back before I learned how to make small-talk. I still people-watch whenever I can; whenever I’m around lots of people I don’t know. Not just to silently laugh at them, which I do sometimes, but because I like attempting to comprehend how this person I’m seeing for five seconds—who I’m snickering at because she’s wearing a Christmas sweater or because his hair has been horribly dyed—are real people, doing real things, having real lives.

I even nicknamed some of them, some of the characters I used pass in the halls and class rooms every day at Johnson County Community College when I was seventeen. I wanted to know their stories—all of them.

I wanted to follow Red home and see where he lives and what he does in his free time and what’s his family like? Maybe he doesn’t have one and that’s why he’s goth’d-out and looks like he hates the world.

I want to ask The Blond Guy if he smokes weed before Algebra class, and maybe find out where he gets his tie-dye shirts.

I want to listen to Fish Boy’s whale tales; to ask him if he’s ever been deep-sea fishing, or if he’s only ever caught the giant bass and catfish that are depicted on every single one of his t-shirts and baseball caps.

What kind of insecurity makes The Ditz use so much hairspray and cake her face with hardened masks of makeup? I don't think she ever meets anyone's eyes.

What kinds of books does TeaMan read through his horn-rimmed hipster glasses, and does he speak French? He just looks like one of those people who can speak French or Mandarin Chinese or something.

I wonder what my nickname would be, if someone like me saw me from across Java Jazz every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I can’t even speculate; I know myself too well.

Or at least I did. Like I said, I’ve changed an awful lot in these last few months. And maybe I’ll just go with it. I’m ready for a change of some kind, and I’m trying really hard not to cut my hair--I'm even keeping the split ends, just for the sake of resolve.

Maybe a change of heart will satisfy.

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