I'd tell them, you know, if they wanted to know. I'd tell them all sorts of things.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

At Every Occasion I'll be Ready for a Funeral

Funerals get a bad rap, I think. I think they're healthy; they provide closure.
The word "closure" gets a bad rap too, because of its association with pop-psychology, but it has validity as well.
But back to the funeral thing.
I have lots of private funerals. For animals, mostly. But I've also had funerals for people who haven't died. They just ceased to be part of my life. I think that kind of loss is underestimated.
Another kind of loss that I think is underestimated is the loss of a time in one's life, or the way one's life used to be.
If you find yourself constantly bogged down by the memory of "better times"--those times before that out-of-control pivotal point that changed everything forever--I think you should have a funeral for it. For the loss of the "before" days, I mean. Get some mementos, put them in a box, write a poem or something, and get rid of all of it. Even if the things you put in the box are hard to get rid of. The things that are the hardest to get rid of are usually the things that need most to be gotten rid of in order for one to let go.
Like a certain green guitar pick, but that's still pending.

"Life is a comedy for those who think. Life is a tragedy for those who feel."
True. But I think that, in general, life is richer for us "feely" types.

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